Confessions Of A Boudoir Photographer….

I bet you probably thought I was going to spill the tea… hahaha I mean kinda, just not how you’re probably expecting me to…

Confessions of a Boudoir Photographer:

Can I say how much I love seeing the way your faces light up when you FINALLY see yourself in a new light.

I love how nervous everyone is when they come in for their sessions, because I know they’re going to have so much fun and leave feeling like the baddest bitch ever!

I love how my art is expressed through each one of your sessions.

I love how we never fail to laugh during the sessions. Did I mention each session is like therapy for me?

I am truly in awe at the women I have photographed over the years.

You all inspire me to be and do better.

I love helping you all to see the versions of you that I see.

I love how when my clients come in for their sessions, that it feels like im hugging a long distant friend.

I love seeing the real you.

Seeing your confidence grow during your sessions is like fireworks on the 4th of July for me.

There’s probably so many more but we’ll let this be our starting point.

-The Sappiest Boudoir Bitch Ever

*I just adore all my clients and you can’t tell me they aren’t just the best *


From OG… to Current baddie…


It touches its skin…